Gorontalo Utara
Amazon NASDAQ:AMZN: Fulfillment Investments Propel GMV
3 years agoon
We keep a broad selection of inventory in each region, making it faster and less expensive to get those products to customers. Gross merchandise volume measures the total value of transactions on a platform, while revenue is the actual income a company earns from its core operations. Credit Suisse estimates that the marketplace is going to grow by roughly $35 billion in both 2017 and 2018. The challenge for sellers is positioning themselves in a way so they can benefit from this.
- We believe that we are far from the law of diminishing returns and improving speed for customers.
- This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks.
- One thing I would like to track is Google Cloud’s operating performance trajectory against AWS.
- In this last quarter, across the top 60 largest U.S. metro areas, more than half of Prime members’ orders arrived at the same day or next day.
- Our insights and analysis help you enter the right new markets, turbocharge your sales and marketing efforts, identify business partners that help you scale, and stay ahead of your competitors.
- Sellers in China are increasing their presence on online marketplaces around the world.
Meanwhile, year-over-year sales and GMV growth at Walmart was much more modest where we saw sales increase 2.6% from $133.7 billion in 1Q21 to $137.2 billion in 1Q22. In this last quarter, across the top 60 largest U.S. metro areas, more than half of Prime members’ orders arrived at the same day or next day. Prime members the same or next day, nearly 4x what we delivered at those speeds by this point in 2019. I continue to believe what I said last quarter…which is I do believe that we’ll get back to margins like what we had pre COVID. 3P, subscription, and AWS grew by mid- to high teens, while ad segment increased by 20%+.
EBay’s total GMV has been rising and falling in the years since 2018 and a long-term trend points to stagnation. Still, the share of eBay’s GMV accounted for by China-based sellers is growing steadily. Despite declining transaction values across the platform starting in 2021, sellers from China continue to do business on eBay.
eCommerce: Key Performance Indicators
The difference between total sales and GMV is that total sales represent the actual revenue a company earns from its core operations, while GMV includes the total value of all transactions on a platform, encompassing fees, taxes, and shipping costs. GMV is a broader measure of economic activity, whereas total sales focus solely https://1investing.in/ on a company’s income from its primary business activities. The gross merchandise value describes the total value of transactions generated on an online marketplace before discounts, advertising, and delivery. GMV thus calculates how much commerce has taken place on a platform and can be seen as a measure of business activity.
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The analyst writes that shareholders should be willing to underwrite growth CapEx. JPMorgan estimates that there will be about 300 million Prime members globally by the end of this year. In 2021, then-CEO Jeff Bezos said the company had “more amazon gmv than 200 million Prime members worldwide.” As a Premium user you get access to the detailed source references and background information about this statistic. Click here for the latest trending stock tickers of the Yahoo Finance platform.
In just three years the marketplace is estimated to double – from $103 billion in sales in 2016 to $212 billion in 2019. After experiencing its first QoQ revenue decline in 1Q’23, AWS added $786 Mn revenue QoQ in 2Q’23. The 12% YoY growth reflects the tough comp of 2Q’22; since cost optimization mostly started in the latter half of last year, 3Q’23 and 4Q’23 may prove to be easier comp for AWS. However, as he moved to 4Q22 and 1Q23, this represents the second quarter of accelerating share gains amidst normalizing comparisons.
This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. It is important to understand that GMV is not the same as the revenue generated by a marketplace operator. Instead, providers deduct a fee for each transaction made on the platform, which is how they make a profit.
Amazon Business Hits $35-Billion Mark in GMV
Since launching in 2015, the company has selectively released GMV figures, the last time in 2021 when it pegged its worldwide GMV at $25 billion for 2020. As a Premium user you get access to background information and details about the release of this statistic.
This is evidenced by their increasing contribution to eBay’s total GMV, starting from a 20.9% in 2021 to an expected 26.3% in 2023. The experience has been so positive for customers in our business that we’re planning to double the number of these facilities. We believe that we are far from the law of diminishing returns and improving speed for customers. Second, when shipments come from fulfillment centers that are closer to customers, they travel shorter distances, which cost less in transportation, get there faster and is better for the environment.
This ability to have shipments closer to customers is the result of a lot of work and invention on the regionalization side, placement logic and local in-stock algorithms. It’s also driven by our development and expansion of same-day fulfillment facilities, which is our fastest fulfillment mechanism and one of our least expensive, too. Sellers in China are increasing their presence on online marketplaces around the world. Third-party platforms are an ideal way for Chinese manufacturers to sell their products directly to consumers in Europe or the U.S. at unbeatable prices. Some of the remaining 12% e-commerce sales are 1P which should also track closely with GMV. Seeing as the latest release from Target (TGT) said that their stores fulfilled more than three quarters of their digital sales, I think a substantial portion of e-commerce sales at Walmart and Target are 1P.
Some of the remaining 12% e-commerce sales at Walmart are 3P which do not track well with GMV. The bottom line is that Walmart equivocates a bit with the numbers needed to estimate their GMV for the latest quarter but I don’t think it is drastically higher than the reported sales number of $137.2 billion. On the how much generative AI may impact the capital expense spend, included in that number is a pretty significant amount of capital expense in the AWS business for large language models and for generative AI. Central to our efforts has been the decision to transition our stores’ fulfillment and transportation network from 1 national network in the United States to a series of 8 separate regions serving smaller geographic areas.
Embracing the AI Revolution & the Unprecedented Opportunities for Small Businesses
The primary reason I thought this earnings call was excellent is I am much more optimistic that shipping and fulfillment cost as % of GMV may come down over time. People want to bring generative AI models to the data, not the other way around. AWS not only has the broadest array of storage, database, analytics and data management services for customers, it also has more customers and data store than anybody else. At least, operating margin was slightly up, so hopefully AWS operating margin already bottomed in 1Q’23. One thing I would like to track is Google Cloud’s operating performance trajectory against AWS.
While Google Cloud’s revenue continues to build its gradual momentum against AWS, opex trajectory went slightly in the wrong direction. For Walmart click & collect (or drive up) has taken 50% of all online orders – and possibly all of US online grocery has developed like this, as it is the cheapest option for both retailers and shoppers, due to the last mile deliveries cost falling away. During the pandemic click & collect also enabled shoppers to avoid going into crowded shops. Join other distribution executives who use MDM Premium to optimize their business. Our insights and analysis help you enter the right new markets, turbocharge your sales and marketing efforts, identify business partners that help you scale, and stay ahead of your competitors. The marketplace contribution is expected to grow from 53 percent in 2016 to 70 percent in 2023.
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Gorontalo Utara
Ziarah Makam, Peringatan HUT ke-53 KORPRI Kota Gorontalo Berlangsung Khidmat
2 months agoon
Kota Gorontalo – Pengurus dan anggota Korps Pegawai Republik Indonesia (KORPRI) Kota Gorontalo melaksanakan ziarah makam sebagai bagian dari rangkaian peringatan Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) ke-53 KORPRI. Kegiatan ini berlangsung pada Sabtu (23/11/2024) pagi, dengan mengunjungi makam sejumlah tokoh penting yang pernah berkontribusi bagi organisasi KORPRI di Kota Gorontalo.
Penjabat (Pj) Wali Kota Gorontalo, Ismail Madjid, yang turut hadir dalam kegiatan tersebut, menyampaikan bahwa ziarah makam ini merupakan bentuk penghormatan kepada para tokoh KORPRI yang telah berjasa semasa hidup mereka.
“Kegiatan ini adalah bentuk penghargaan atas jasa para tokoh KORPRI yang telah berpulang. Selain itu, ini juga menjadi momen untuk mempererat silaturahmi antara anggota KORPRI dan keluarga tokoh yang ditinggalkan,” ujar Ismail.
Ismail menekankan bahwa kegiatan seperti ziarah makam memiliki nilai penting, tidak hanya sebagai penghormatan kepada para tokoh, tetapi juga sebagai sarana memperkuat hubungan di antara para anggota KORPRI.
“Ziarah ini adalah salah satu wujud kepedulian dan rasa hormat kepada para pendahulu kita, sekaligus menjadi ajang mempererat tali silaturahmi antaranggota,” tambah Ismail.
Selain ziarah makam, Ismail mengapresiasi berbagai kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan oleh KORPRI Kota Gorontalo dalam rangka memperingati HUT ke-53, seperti penanaman pohon untuk penghijauan kembali.
“Alhamdulillah, tahun ini banyak sekali kegiatan positif yang dilakukan KORPRI, seperti penghijauan dan ziarah makam. Saya kira ini adalah hal luar biasa dan perlu dilanjutkan ke depannya,” kata Ismail.
Beberapa makam tokoh KORPRI yang diziarahi dalam kegiatan ini antara lain:
- Alm. Zainudin Rahim
- Almh. Hadidjah Doya
- Alm. Syamsudin Ibrahim
- Alm. Heny Bano
- Almh. Rully Arsyad
Kegiatan berlangsung khidmat, diiringi doa bersama untuk mengenang jasa-jasa mereka yang telah memberikan kontribusi besar bagi organisasi KORPRI dan Kota Gorontalo.
Turnamen Sepak Bola Danbrigif 22 Cup II TA. 2024 Resmi Ditutup oleh Danbrigif 22/Ota Manasa
3 months agoon
GORUT – Komandan Brigade Infanteri 22/Ota Manasa, Letkol Inf Arianto Maskare Subagio, S.Sos., M.Si, resmi menutup gelaran Turnamen Sepak Bola Danbrigif 22 Cup II TA. 2024 dalam rangka memperingati HUT ke-79 TNI. Acara penutupan berlangsung di lapangan sepak bola Brigif 22/Ota Manasa, Desa Popalo, Kecamatan Anggrek, Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara, Minggu (28/10/2024).
Turnamen ini diikuti oleh 16 tim terbaik dari wilayah Gorontalo dan berlangsung selama 32 hari, mulai dari 23 September hingga 28 Oktober 2024. Dalam sambutannya, Danbrigif 22/Ota Manasa, Letkol Inf Arianto Maskare Subagio, menyampaikan apresiasi kepada para peserta dan panitia yang telah berkontribusi dalam kesuksesan turnamen ini.
“Selamat kepada seluruh peserta yang telah berjuang gigih hingga berhasil meraih juara. Terima kasih dan penghargaan kami berikan kepada panitia dan semua pihak yang terlibat. Semoga keberhasilan ini menjadi pedoman untuk penyelenggaraan turnamen di kesempatan mendatang,” ujar Letkol Inf Arianto.
Ketua Panitia, Mayor Inf Marlon Reanald Tuerah, mengungkapkan rasa syukur atas kelancaran dan keselamatan turnamen hingga selesai tanpa hambatan. Penutupan turnamen ditandai dengan penyerahan piala setelah pertandingan final yang mempertemukan tim Afc Atinggola Gorontalo Utara dan Arsenal Tabongo Kabupaten Gorontalo.
Acara ini turut dihadiri oleh berbagai tokoh, antara lain PJ Bupati Gorontalo Utara Ibu Ir Sila N Botutihe, Dandim 1314/Gorut Letkol Inf Rayner D.R Wajong, Dandenma Brigif 22/OM Mayor Inf Marlon Reinald Tuerah, Kadis Ops Satrad 224 Kwandang Kapten Riski Nurrachim, serta sejumlah pengurus daerah dan tamu undangan.
Panitia turnamen menyediakan hadiah total 48 juta rupiah, lengkap dengan piala, medali, serta uang pembinaan untuk para juara. Doorprize juga dibagikan kepada penonton yang hadir sebagai bentuk apresiasi. Piala utama diserahkan oleh Danbrigif 22/Ota Manasa Letkol Inf Arianto Maskare Subagio beserta unsur Forkopimda Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara.
Turnamen sepak bola ini tidak hanya menjadi ajang kompetisi, tetapi juga simbol kebersamaan dan semangat olahraga yang terus berkembang di Gorontalo.
Gorontalo Utara
Inovasi Baru Mahasiswa UNG: Rumput Laut Gracilaria Diolah Jadi Permen Tradisional
4 months agoon
UNG – Mahasiswa Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Universitas Negeri Gorontalo (UNG) yang ditempatkan di Desa Kramat, Kecamatan Mananggu, berhasil memanfaatkan rumput laut jenis gracilaria dalam pembuatan permen atau gula-gula soba. Produk inovatif ini menggunakan rumput laut sebagai bahan dasar yang memiliki potensi kesehatan serta ekonomi bagi masyarakat lokal.
Salah satu mahasiswa KKN dari Jurusan Akuntansi, Olviati Laode, menjelaskan bahwa rumput laut jenis gracilaria dipilih karena ketersediaannya di UMKM Loka Mananggu, meskipun jenis rumput laut lain seperti Eucheuma Cottonii juga bisa digunakan.
Dalam upaya memperkuat validasi produk, sampel permen soba tersebut telah dikirimkan oleh Dosen Pembimbing Lapangan (DPL) Prof. Dr. Femy M. Sahami, M.Si ke laboratorium untuk meneliti kandungan gizi yang terdapat di dalamnya.
Proses pembuatan permen melibatkan langkah-langkah pengolahan rumput laut kering, yang direndam selama 1-2 hari dengan tambahan air cucian beras untuk menghilangkan bau. Setelah menjadi lunak, rumput laut diblender hingga halus, lalu dicampur dengan gula aren dan santan sebagai bahan utama pembuatan permen soba.
Selain program inti yang berfokus pada inovasi pangan, para mahasiswa KKN juga melaksanakan berbagai program tambahan, seperti sosialisasi tentang bahaya pergaulan bebas yang ditujukan kepada siswa SMK Negeri 1 Mananggu. Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran remaja tentang pentingnya menjaga diri dari pengaruh negatif gaya hidup yang bebas.
Kegiatan lainnya termasuk jumat bersih, turnamen sepak takraw, serta game mobile legends, yang diadakan bekerja sama dengan pemuda karang taruna setempat. Program-program ini diharapkan mampu memberikan manfaat yang luas bagi masyarakat Desa Kramat dan sekitarnya, baik dari segi pendidikan, kesehatan, maupun hiburan.
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