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Gorontalo Utara

Depreciation Expense vs Accumulated Depreciation: What’s the Difference?



is accumulated depreciation a asset

It helps companies avoid major losses in the year it purchases the fixed assets by spreading the cost over several years. If you must make a choice between classifying accumulated depreciation as an asset or liability, it should be considered an asset, simply because that is where the account is reported in the balance sheet. If it were to be categorized as a liability, this would create the incorrect impression that the reporting entity has a liability to a third party, which is not the case. The purchased PP&E’s value declined by a total of $50 million across the five-year time frame, which represents the accumulated depreciation on the fixed asset.

The accumulated depreciation account is a contra asset account on a company’s balance sheet. Accumulated depreciation specifies the total amount of an asset’s wear to date in the asset’s useful life. Depreciation expense is recorded on the income statement as an expense or debit, reducing net income. Instead, it’s recorded in a contra asset account as a credit, reducing the value of fixed assets.

In accrual accounting, the “Accumulated Depreciation” on a fixed asset refers to the sum of all depreciation expenses since the date of original purchase. You should note that the expense recorded each time is added to the accumulated depreciation account. Thus, accumulated depreciation is an aggregation of individual depreciation expenses over time. Accumulated depreciation refers to the cumulative amount of depreciation expense charged to a fixed asset from the moment it comes into use.

Is Accumulated Depreciation Equal to Depreciation Expense?

In other words, it’s the total of all depreciation expenses incurred to date. Accumulated depreciation is a running total of depreciation expense for an asset that is recorded on the balance sheet. An asset’s original value is adjusted during each fiscal year to reflect a current, depreciated value. Depreciation expense is reported on the income statement as any other normal business expense. If the asset is used for production, the expense is listed in the operating expenses area of the income statement. This amount reflects a portion of the acquisition cost of the asset for production purposes.

Depreciation expense is the amount that a company’s assets are depreciated for a single period (e.g,, quarter or the year). Accumulated depreciation, on the other hand, is the total amount that a company has depreciated its assets to date. It is listed as an expense, and so should be used whenever an item is calculated for year-end tax purposes or to determine the validity of the item for liquidation purposes. Accumulated depreciation is not an asset because balances stored in the account are not something that will produce economic value to the business over multiple reporting periods. Accumulated depreciation actually represents the amount of economic value that has been consumed in the past. In our PP&E roll-forward, the depreciation expense of $10 million is recognized across the entire forecast, which is five years in our illustrative model, i.e. half of the ten-year useful life.

  1. Accumulated depreciation can be calculated using the straight-line method or an accelerated method.
  2. It is considered a contra asset account because it contains a negative balance that intended to offset the asset account with which it is paired, resulting in a net book value.
  3. Since accelerated depreciation is an accounting method used to recognize depreciation, the result of accelerated depreciation is to book accumulated depreciation.
  4. Therefore, there would be a credit to the asset account, a debit to the accumulated depreciation account, and a gain or loss depending on the fair value of the asset and the amount received.
  5. Even though accumulated depreciation will still increase, the amount of accumulated depreciation will decrease each year.

Accumulated depreciation reduces the value of the corresponding asset on the balance sheet, therefore reflecting the total depreciation expense incurred since the asset’s acquisition. Recording accumulated depreciation is a systematic process that ends up on the balance sheet. This is recorded as a contra-asset account, which is an account that offsets the value of a related asset account.

Yet, the capital expenditure (Capex) must be spread across the useful life of the fixed asset per the matching principle, i.e. the number of years in which the fixed asset is expected to provide benefits. Accumulated Depreciation reflects the cumulative reduction in the carrying value of a fixed asset (PP&E) since the date of initial purchase. As an example, let’s assume that the original cost of an asset is $20,000, and it has an accumulated depreciation of $5,000.

Is Accumulated Depreciation a Current Liability?

Start with a free account to explore 20+ always-free courses and hundreds of finance templates and cheat sheets. Because the depreciation process is heavily rooted in estimates, it’s common for companies to need to revise their guess on the useful life of an asset’s life or the salvage value at the end of it. Accumulated what is a standard margin in accounting terms depreciation depends on salvage value; salvage value is the amount a company may expect to receive in exchange for selling an asset at the end of its useful life. Get instant access to video lessons taught by experienced investment bankers. Learn financial statement modeling, DCF, M&A, LBO, Comps and Excel shortcuts.

is accumulated depreciation a asset

Rather than recognizing the entire cost of the asset upon purchase, the fixed asset is incrementally reduced through depreciation expense each period for the duration of the asset’s useful life. For year five, you report $1,400 of depreciation expense on your income statement. The desk’s net book value is $8,000 ($15,000 purchase price – $7,000 accumulated depreciation). Accumulated depreciation is the total amount of depreciation of a company’s assets, while depreciation expense is the amount that has been depreciated for a single period. Depreciation is an accounting entry that represents the reduction of an asset’s cost over its useful life.

What is an Example of Accumulated Depreciation?

In accordance with accounting rules, companies must depreciate these assets over their useful lives. For example, Company A buys a company vehicle in Year 1 with a five-year useful life. Regardless of the month, the company will recognize six months’ worth of depreciation in Year 1.

Here’s a breakdown of how accumulated depreciation is calculated, the recording process and examples of practical applications. Accumulated depreciation for the desk after year five is $7,000 ($1,400 annual depreciation expense ✕ 5 years). Accumulated depreciation is a balance sheet account that reflects the total recorded depreciation since an asset was placed in service. Subsequent years’ expenses will change based on the changing current book value. For example, in the second year, current book value would be $50,000 – $10,000, or $40,000. Accumulated depreciation totals depreciation expense since the asset has been in use.

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Gorontalo Utara

Ziarah Makam, Peringatan HUT ke-53 KORPRI Kota Gorontalo Berlangsung Khidmat



Kota Gorontalo – Pengurus dan anggota Korps Pegawai Republik Indonesia (KORPRI) Kota Gorontalo melaksanakan ziarah makam sebagai bagian dari rangkaian peringatan Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) ke-53 KORPRI. Kegiatan ini berlangsung pada Sabtu (23/11/2024) pagi, dengan mengunjungi makam sejumlah tokoh penting yang pernah berkontribusi bagi organisasi KORPRI di Kota Gorontalo.

Penjabat (Pj) Wali Kota Gorontalo, Ismail Madjid, yang turut hadir dalam kegiatan tersebut, menyampaikan bahwa ziarah makam ini merupakan bentuk penghormatan kepada para tokoh KORPRI yang telah berjasa semasa hidup mereka.

“Kegiatan ini adalah bentuk penghargaan atas jasa para tokoh KORPRI yang telah berpulang. Selain itu, ini juga menjadi momen untuk mempererat silaturahmi antara anggota KORPRI dan keluarga tokoh yang ditinggalkan,” ujar Ismail.

Ismail menekankan bahwa kegiatan seperti ziarah makam memiliki nilai penting, tidak hanya sebagai penghormatan kepada para tokoh, tetapi juga sebagai sarana memperkuat hubungan di antara para anggota KORPRI.

“Ziarah ini adalah salah satu wujud kepedulian dan rasa hormat kepada para pendahulu kita, sekaligus menjadi ajang mempererat tali silaturahmi antaranggota,” tambah Ismail.

Selain ziarah makam, Ismail mengapresiasi berbagai kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan oleh KORPRI Kota Gorontalo dalam rangka memperingati HUT ke-53, seperti penanaman pohon untuk penghijauan kembali.

“Alhamdulillah, tahun ini banyak sekali kegiatan positif yang dilakukan KORPRI, seperti penghijauan dan ziarah makam. Saya kira ini adalah hal luar biasa dan perlu dilanjutkan ke depannya,” kata Ismail.

Beberapa makam tokoh KORPRI yang diziarahi dalam kegiatan ini antara lain:

  • Alm. Zainudin Rahim
  • Almh. Hadidjah Doya
  • Alm. Syamsudin Ibrahim
  • Alm. Heny Bano
  • Almh. Rully Arsyad

Kegiatan berlangsung khidmat, diiringi doa bersama untuk mengenang jasa-jasa mereka yang telah memberikan kontribusi besar bagi organisasi KORPRI dan Kota Gorontalo.

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Turnamen Sepak Bola Danbrigif 22 Cup II TA. 2024 Resmi Ditutup oleh Danbrigif 22/Ota Manasa



GORUT – Komandan Brigade Infanteri 22/Ota Manasa, Letkol Inf Arianto Maskare Subagio, S.Sos., M.Si, resmi menutup gelaran Turnamen Sepak Bola Danbrigif 22 Cup II TA. 2024 dalam rangka memperingati HUT ke-79 TNI. Acara penutupan berlangsung di lapangan sepak bola Brigif 22/Ota Manasa, Desa Popalo, Kecamatan Anggrek, Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara, Minggu (28/10/2024).

Turnamen ini diikuti oleh 16 tim terbaik dari wilayah Gorontalo dan berlangsung selama 32 hari, mulai dari 23 September hingga 28 Oktober 2024. Dalam sambutannya, Danbrigif 22/Ota Manasa, Letkol Inf Arianto Maskare Subagio, menyampaikan apresiasi kepada para peserta dan panitia yang telah berkontribusi dalam kesuksesan turnamen ini.

“Selamat kepada seluruh peserta yang telah berjuang gigih hingga berhasil meraih juara. Terima kasih dan penghargaan kami berikan kepada panitia dan semua pihak yang terlibat. Semoga keberhasilan ini menjadi pedoman untuk penyelenggaraan turnamen di kesempatan mendatang,” ujar Letkol Inf Arianto.

Ketua Panitia, Mayor Inf Marlon Reanald Tuerah, mengungkapkan rasa syukur atas kelancaran dan keselamatan turnamen hingga selesai tanpa hambatan. Penutupan turnamen ditandai dengan penyerahan piala setelah pertandingan final yang mempertemukan tim Afc Atinggola Gorontalo Utara dan Arsenal Tabongo Kabupaten Gorontalo.

Acara ini turut dihadiri oleh berbagai tokoh, antara lain PJ Bupati Gorontalo Utara Ibu Ir Sila N Botutihe, Dandim 1314/Gorut Letkol Inf Rayner D.R Wajong, Dandenma Brigif 22/OM Mayor Inf Marlon Reinald Tuerah, Kadis Ops Satrad 224 Kwandang Kapten Riski Nurrachim, serta sejumlah pengurus daerah dan tamu undangan.

Panitia turnamen menyediakan hadiah total 48 juta rupiah, lengkap dengan piala, medali, serta uang pembinaan untuk para juara. Doorprize juga dibagikan kepada penonton yang hadir sebagai bentuk apresiasi. Piala utama diserahkan oleh Danbrigif 22/Ota Manasa Letkol Inf Arianto Maskare Subagio beserta unsur Forkopimda Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara.

Turnamen sepak bola ini tidak hanya menjadi ajang kompetisi, tetapi juga simbol kebersamaan dan semangat olahraga yang terus berkembang di Gorontalo.

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Gorontalo Utara

Inovasi Baru Mahasiswa UNG: Rumput Laut Gracilaria Diolah Jadi Permen Tradisional



UNG – Mahasiswa Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Universitas Negeri Gorontalo (UNG) yang ditempatkan di Desa Kramat, Kecamatan Mananggu, berhasil memanfaatkan rumput laut jenis gracilaria dalam pembuatan permen atau gula-gula soba. Produk inovatif ini menggunakan rumput laut sebagai bahan dasar yang memiliki potensi kesehatan serta ekonomi bagi masyarakat lokal.

Salah satu mahasiswa KKN dari Jurusan Akuntansi, Olviati Laode, menjelaskan bahwa rumput laut jenis gracilaria dipilih karena ketersediaannya di UMKM Loka Mananggu, meskipun jenis rumput laut lain seperti Eucheuma Cottonii juga bisa digunakan.

Dalam upaya memperkuat validasi produk, sampel permen soba tersebut telah dikirimkan oleh Dosen Pembimbing Lapangan (DPL) Prof. Dr. Femy M. Sahami, M.Si ke laboratorium untuk meneliti kandungan gizi yang terdapat di dalamnya.

Proses pembuatan permen melibatkan langkah-langkah pengolahan rumput laut kering, yang direndam selama 1-2 hari dengan tambahan air cucian beras untuk menghilangkan bau. Setelah menjadi lunak, rumput laut diblender hingga halus, lalu dicampur dengan gula aren dan santan sebagai bahan utama pembuatan permen soba.

Selain program inti yang berfokus pada inovasi pangan, para mahasiswa KKN juga melaksanakan berbagai program tambahan, seperti sosialisasi tentang bahaya pergaulan bebas yang ditujukan kepada siswa SMK Negeri 1 Mananggu. Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran remaja tentang pentingnya menjaga diri dari pengaruh negatif gaya hidup yang bebas.

Kegiatan lainnya termasuk jumat bersih, turnamen sepak takraw, serta game mobile legends, yang diadakan bekerja sama dengan pemuda karang taruna setempat. Program-program ini diharapkan mampu memberikan manfaat yang luas bagi masyarakat Desa Kramat dan sekitarnya, baik dari segi pendidikan, kesehatan, maupun hiburan.

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